1.1 Brief History of the school
Kiamunyi Mixed Secondary School originated
from Kiamunyi Farmers who set aside two
parcels of land for the development of
public utilities in 1978 after purchasing
the land from White farmers. The two parcels
of land are the present Mercy Njeri Primary
School and Kiamunyi Mixed Day Secondary
1.2 Geographical Location
Kiamunyi Mixed Day Secondary School is
located in the former Rift Valley Province,
Nakuru District, currently Nakuru County,
Rongai Sub-county, and Kiamunyi Location. It
is about 4 kilometers to the West of Nakuru
town along the Nakuru-Kabarak road. The
school is easily accessible by town service
matatu vehicles on the Kiamunyi route.
1.3 School Management
The first B.O.M began from 2007 to 2008 on
an interim board. In 2008, a formerly
constituted board was put in place and
served for two terms from 2008-2011 and
2011-2015. This term of the board was
extended due to the transition that took
place in the administrative structure that
was being changed from Provinces to
Counties. The present management board
started from 2022 to date. The Principal of
Kiamunyi Mixed Day Secondary School Mrs.
Joyce Wangombe served as the TSC-employed
principal from the school began till 2019.
Thereafter Mrs. Jennifer Kudha took over
from 2020 up to January 2021. Mrs. Hellen
Ngugi took over from January 2021 to date.
1.4 Performance in exams and extracurricular
There is a notable positive deviation. The
current candidates are aiming at a mean of
3.3. The school actively participates in
extra-curricular activities where it has a
team of volleyball, football, handball,
netball, and basketball players and
athletes. It has clubs like drama, Red
Cross, young farmers, science debating, and
Amani clubs. Societies include Christian
Union and Catholic Association.
Kiamunyi Mixed Day Secondary School is a
relatively young and growing school. The
school has two streamed classes from form
one to form four. Forms one to form four are
a mixture of both genders. The school has
started from scratch and is coming up and
aiming higher.
2.1 Physical Facilities
The school is endowed with several physical
facilities that assist in the daily
management and running of the school, these
2.1.1 Offices
The school has an administration block that
has several offices and departments which
include the principal's and secretary's
office, the deputy principal's office, the
bursar's office, the examinations department
office, the ICT department, and the
2.1.2 Learning Facilities
The school has a library where learners
borrow books. The school has 2 streams
namely blue and green. The school also has 2
well-equipped modern science labs.
3.1 Activities in the school
In the school, several routine activities
are carried out include; clubs, games, and
societies. The game's activities are carried
out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
3.1.1 Societies
There is a significant number of students
from each denomination like CU, SDA, and
YCS. The administration thus allows these
students to worship in their respective
societies. This takes place on Thursdays
from four to five in the evening.
3.1.2 Games
The major sporting activities that students
participate in include football, volleyball,
basketball, and handball. Other sporting
activities include athletics which involve
track and field events and take place from
four to five in the evening.
3.1.3 Clubs
There are several clubs including; the Amani
club, debating club, and drama club. Every
Tuesday, the Debating club leads the rest of
the students through a compulsory debating
session. The session lasts for an hour from
four to five.
3.1.4 The School's Daily Routine
The school daily routine is adhered to from
Monday to Friday. Each school day is
characterized by a busy schedule. From
Monday to Friday, the students are required
to be in school between 7.00 am and 5.00 pm.
Students are thereafter allowed to leave the
school for their homes. The classes remain
open to allow students who wish to extend
their studies. National holidays are well
adhered to and celebrated. This shows a
sense of patriotism to the nation.
4.1 School Motto, Vision, and Mission
Kiamunyi Mixed Day Secondary School has a
motto, vision, and mission. These are
reflected in its daily routine
The School Vision
To be an exemplary learning institution in
both academic and co-curricular activities.
The School Mission
To develop individual students’ academic
potential and talents through teaching and
The School Motto
Learn to shine
5.1 Admission
Admission is mostly done at form one based
on merit. Since the school is located near(a
few meters) the boundary of Nakuru West
sub-County and Rongai Sub County, its
catchment area is from both Sub Counties.
Students who wish to join the school later
than this are subjected to an interview.
Those who pass can be admitted to the school
for as long as they provide a transfer
letter from their previous schools.
6.1 Curriculum Opportunities
The school provides a wide variety of
approved curricula this is to every student
with the ability to make appropriate and
considered choices in pursuit of career
opportunities. It is also aimed at
developing the character of the student.
7.1 Co-curricular Activities
The school provides a wide variety of
quality resources and opportunities to
enable every student to be motivated to
engage in activities that will release and
develop talent and provide recreation. The
clubs and the societies in the school are
well organized. The debating club has
assisted in improving language command among
the students. It has also helped in
sharpening public speaking skills among
students. The Christian Union is a religious
club. It plays an important role in molding
the students' morals hence reducing
indiscipline cases among the students.
8.1 Discipline
In recognition of the pivotal role that
discipline plays in the successful
implementation of the school curriculum and
realization of the school objectives, the
school administration provides guidelines
for expected behavior in form of rules and
regulations. Everyone is expected to act
with integrity and under these guidelines at
all times.
9.1 Relationship of the school with the
local community
There is a very close interdependence
between the school and the community.
Kiamunyi Secondary School benefits from the
surrounding community in various ways. It is
from the community that the school gets that
cheap source of food. The school also shares
a field with the nearby Kiamunyi Primary
School. Most of both the teaching and
non-teaching staff find their residential
places within the community. The supply of
vegetables for the school comes from the
community which enables them to strive to
ensure that its financial support goes to
the community